Funk Piano Rhythms and Chords 1

More than most other musical styles, funk is based on a very tight and accurate rhythm. While rock, pop, blues, or jazz are strongly defined by melodies and harmony, funk is all about groove. So, how does this translate into piano playing?

A few basic concepts to create funk grooves on the piano

A very simple rhythm involves playing on the counts 1, 2, 3, and 4. In this example, you’ll be playing C minor seventh chords in the right hand and the root C in the left hand. Example 1 Funk Piano Chords & Rhythms Cm7 offbeats c minor 7

C minor 7

This eight-note grid can be counted as 1 and, 2 and, 3 and, 4 and. In the next example, play the right-hand chords on the offbeats, or the ‘ands’, alternating between the left and right hands. Example 2 Funk Piano Chords & Rhythms Cm7 The eight notes in both examples can also be replaced by sixteenth notes, which are half as long. Here is how that sounds: Example 3 Funk Piano Chords & Rhythms 16th .custom-widget-container { display: flex; width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; border-top: 1px solid #666; /* Darker grey line */ border-bottom: 1px solid #666; /* Darker grey line */ padding: 15px 0; align-items: flex-start; /* Align items to the top */ } .image-column { padding-right: 15px; } .image-column img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; display: block; } .text-column { } .text-column a { text-decoration: none; color: blue; display: block; font-weight: bold; } .text-column p { margin: 0 0 15px 0; /* Keep the bottom margin on the paragraph */ } .text-column img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; display: block; margin-top: 25px; /* Add vertical space above the image */ } Playing Piano with Chords Book

Check out the Playing Piano with Chords book! It comes with 100+ downloadable audio examples and 80+ minutes of downloadable video content featuring a virtual keyboard for simple learning.

Example 4 Funk Piano Chords & Rhythms 16th offbeats

Playing funk piano chords in a sixteenth-note grid

So far, everything has been played in an eighth-note grid. To make it sound funkier, let’s use a sixteenth-note grid. Here you count: 1  e  and  a, 2  e  and  a, 3  e  and  a, 4  e  and  a This gives you four possible times to play a note in each bar. In the next exercise, all right-hand chords are played on the ‘e’ after the full beats, i.e. 1 e, 2 e, 3 e, and 4 e. Example 5 Funk Piano Chords & Rhythms 16th Grid 1-e In the last example, the right-hand chords are played on the e-and-a of each beat, i.e., 1-e-and-a, 2-e-and-a, and so on. Example 6 Funk Piano Chords & Rhythms 16th Grid 1-e-and-a If you practice these different ways to place the right-hand funk chord within the sixteenth-note grid, you can start creating funky rhythms by

arranging  [...]  read more

Neo Soul Piano Chord Progression

Creating a chord progression with a neo soul sound using minor 11th chords is quite simple, once you know how to voice the chords. Rather then following harmonic rules, just try around with some minor 11th combinations until you come up with a version that you like. With a little trial and error you can arrive at a nice neo soul progression and create a song from it!

Creating minor 11th chords

Here is an example. It consists of three minor 11th chords: Cm11, Em11 and Ebm11. The voicings of the first two are explained in the previous post
  • Cm11 consists of C minor + Bb major on top.
C minor 11 Piano Chord

C minor 11

C minor 11 Piano Chord
  • Em11 consists of E minor + D major on top.
E minor 11

E minor 11

E minor 11 neo soul piano chord

.custom-widget-container { display: flex; width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; border-top: 1px solid #666; /* Darker grey line */ border-bottom: 1px solid #666; /* Darker grey line */ padding: 15px 0; align-items: flex-start; /* Align items to the top */ } .image-column { padding-right: 15px; } .image-column img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; display: block; } .text-column { } .text-column a { text-decoration: none; color: blue; display: block; font-weight: bold; } .text-column p { margin: 0 0 15px 0; /* Keep the bottom margin on the paragraph */ } .text-column img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; display: block; margin-top: 25px; /* Add vertical space above the image */ } Playing Piano with Chords Book

Check out the Playing Piano with Chords book! It comes with 100+ downloadable audio examples and 80+ minutes of downloadable video content featuring a virtual keyboard for simple learning.

  To create Ebm7 play an Eb minor chord (Eb, Gb, Bb) with your left hand, then add a Db major chord (Db, F, Ab) on top. Or simply move all notes of the Em11 chord down

one  [...]  read more

Neo Soul Piano Chords – Minor 11

If you are looking for some great sounding neo soul chords for the piano with a nice jazz tinge, you might be closer to your goal that you think. By using a simple trick, you can create minor eleventh chords simply by combining plain major and minor chords. You can be sure that they will sound amazing on the piano or keyboard with a nice Rhodes patch.

Sounds too simple? It’s not! Here’s how you create a minor 11 chord in the key of C:

  • Play a C minor chord (C, Eb, G) with your left hand.

C minor chord

C minor

C minor Piano Chord

  • Then add a Bb major chord (Bb, D, F) on top with your left hand.

Bb major chord

Bb major

Bb major Piano Chord

  • That’s it! There you have the minor 11 chord, which might have just that neo soul sound you are looking for.

C minor 11 chord

C minor 11

C minor 11 neo soul chord

With a simple formula you can create minor 11 chords in any key.

Just play a minor chord in the key you like, then add a major chord on the flatted seventh. To find the b7, move up one octave from the root, and count down two half steps.

So if you take the key of E for example, play an E minor chord (E, G, B) with your left hand.

E minor piano chord sheet music

E minor

E minor Piano Chord

Then move up an octave to the next E and count down two half steps. You will arrive at D, where you place the D major chord (D, F#, A).

D major for piano

D major

D major Piano Chord

The two of them together form the E minor 11 chord.

E minor 11 piano chord

E minor 11

E minor 11 Neo Soul piano chord

The notes contained in this voicing are the root, minor third and fifth (these are all part of the minor chord), plus the minor seventh, ninth and eleventh (created by the the major chord on the flatted seventh).

You can move the chords to higher or lower octaves as you like. You can also play

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