Piano Hack #2 – Intervals

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This Piano Hack is about intervals or the distance between two notes. On the piano you can easily count this distance by counting the keys between two notes. The distance between C and the next E to the right, for example, is four half-steps. It is called a major third.

The same interval of a major third, or four half-steps, can be created from any starting point. So if you start at G, the major third is B, because it is four half-steps up from G.

Here is a list with all intervals of the C major scale:

from C to D – (major) second

from C to E – (major) third

from C to F – fourth

from C to G – fifth

from C to A – sixth

from C to B – (major) seventh

from C to C – octave

If you include the other intervals, that aren’t part of the major scale, you will get these additional ones:

The intervals within one octave

Intervals are so important because each one has its own distinct sound. If they are stacked upon each other, they form chords. Because there are so many intervals, there is a great number of chords, that can be created from them – all sounding different from each other.