Jazz Piano – 7-3-6 (minor 2-5-1) Lick

piano blog

You can approach the creation of a jazz piano lick over a 7-3-6 or minor 2-5-1 chord progression just as you would for a 2-5-1 lick in a major key. You can use

    • chord tones
    • arpeggios
    • triplets
    • a line that moves up and down
    • approaches to chord tones.

    Here is an example for a lick using these elements that you can use whenever you come across a minor 2-5-1.

    jazz piano 7-3-6 or minor 2-5-1 lick

      • The first bar consists of notes that are just moving up and down the F major (or D minor) scale, starting on the flatted fifth of the Em7b5 chord, Bb.

      the F major scale

      The F major scale

        • The last Ab is an approach to the following A, which is the beginning of an arpeggiated A minor 7 chord. The line then moves down again diatonically. The bar ends with another approach.
        • This time it moves to the root D of the following Dm7 chord. What follows is a small rhythmical motive with two eighth notes followed by one quarter note, moving down the diatonic scale again. The lick ends on D.

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Piano Hack #2 – Intervals

piano blog

This Piano Hack is about intervals or the distance between two notes. On the piano you can easily count this distance by counting the keys between two notes. The distance between C and the next E to the right, for example, is four half-steps. It is called a major third.

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Piano Hack #1 – Numbers

piano blog

This piano hack teaches you the numbers or scale degrees of the major scale. These numbers are important to know – if you want to create chords, chord progressions, basslines, and much more. Although it looks [...]  read more